Superconductive Transformer

Superconductive Transformer

Superconductive Transformer


•Superconducting transformers have no-load losses over the transformer's effective life.
•With limited new siting availability in urban areas, the anticipated 2% annual growth in power demand means that existing sites must be operated with higher power capabilities. 
•Many existing sites are indoors or adjacent to buildings, which restricts the use of most oil-filled transformers. The inherent dangers of oil-filled devices are eliminated by the application of 
superconducting technology where the only coolant required is benign (nitrogen as opposed to oil). 
•The liquid nitrogen poses no fire hazards and no threat to the environment compared to that posed by leaks of flammable oils and toxic chemicals such as PCBs.
• A further advantage of HTS transformers over conventional units that are particularly relevant to 
with its high population density is the inherently smaller size and weight of superconducting devices. •The benefits of smaller weight and size are expected to be major factors in the early introduction of HTS transformers in Japan.
•In Europe there is growing interest in using compact HTS on-board transformers in high-speed trains.
•Comparably rated transformers are about 1/3rd of size.
•It is most important; elimination of resistive losses in the coil can lead to an increase in overall transformer efficiency. so that the amount of power required from the generator facility is reduced, leading to substantial cost savings.
•The superconducting transformer step-downs from 18.7 KV to our consumer level, ie, 440V or 230V.


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